The Finds Research Group Datasheets


The Finds Research Group Datasheets represent an acknowledged source of both authority and innovation in the field of finds research.

An essential characteristic of the Datasheets is their freshness - they aim to communicate the results of ongoing and leading-edge work, so that new ideas can be circulated quickly. Authors have included professional and amateur archaeologists, curators and museum professionals, academics and postgraduate students.

Submissions to Datasheets

We welcome contributions on recent research and work in progress. Previous authors have included professional and amateur archaeologists, curators and museum professionals, academics and postgraduate students - so if you have an idea for a Datasheet, please do contact the Editor for an informal chat.

A particularly useful dividend for the author is the opportunity to receive feedback from the membership, and many authors have indeed found the response to their Datasheet of great value to their continuing research.

Our past Datasheets are valued both within and beyond our membership, with numbers 1-40 proving so popular that they have been made available to purchase as bound volumes. We intend that future editions will receive a similar level of attention and use, and we aim to promote the profile of the series, such that Datasheets continue to represent an acknowledged source of both authority and innovation in the field of finds research.

Offers to contribute new Datasheets should be made to 'the Datasheet Editor':